A Word on All That

Give thanks, with a grateful heart...give thanks to the Holy one.

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Location: Weed, California, United States

I'm 52 and just feel like I'm getting started. My wife and I have been happily married for almost 24 years. My job is providing technology integration services to local schools. That means I work on computers and teach teachers and students how to use technology in their teaching and learning, etc. God has been doing a new work in my life, and I'm excited to be following Him.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I'm Blessed

I'm blessed by God. I want to give thanks to Him for all He has done and all He is doing. As the odometer of my life has turned over to 50, I feel a greater love for God and passion to follow Him in all my ways. I must admit, that some of my renewed passion for Jesus has come as a result of my daughters, Claire and Hannah, being a part of Teen Mania's Honor Academy. I had started to feel very stale and unhappy with my life with God and my church...a disconnect when it came to passion and love for God. My daughters have shared a passion for Jesus that's infectious...yeah, I got it :)

I remember our visit to the Honor Academy when Claire was having her first year internship graduation, and we sat in on some teaching. David Hasz was reviewing with the interns the things they had learned that year, and one point stuck out so clearly for me. "You are no longer a baby that needs to be fed. You've been fed and grown and now can feed yourself. There are so many resources available to you, that there's no reason to starve." Wow! I felt like God had hit me over the head with large Mack truck! So I began to get back on the road to growth. It's been a process of a couple of years for God to begin to reshape me and make my heart beat more like His.

I have started reading my Bible again (consistently) and plan to finish reading the whole Bible through in a year. I'm also listening to the Daily Audio Bible podcasts and teachings from pastors around the country. One young guy I really enjoy is Matt Chandler, from the Village Church in Dallas. I also enjoy Erwin Lutzer, Chip Ingram, and Charles Swindoll. I'm also reading books on the spiritual life and theology to help rebuild my perspective on the spiritual disciplines and who God is.

I guess the most ironic thing about this whole process, is that I had a seminary education (M.A. in Marriage and Family Ministries, 1987), but that's no guarantee you're going to stay on the road to growth. I think during the course of 7 years of difficult teaching in a small, rural school (it ate me up!), I was wounded and spiritually depleted. God gave me the courage to quit my job, start fresh in a new career, and begin to put back together my spiritual life. I'm so grateful.

Another benefit of my kids being at the Honor Academy, is that I got to be a part of some very meaningful worship experiences. My wife and I were hungering for that, and God used our time there to refresh us. We attended a local church that had a vital worship ministry, and were again filled by God. Over time, God finally opened the door for me to lead worship regularly at my home church. Renewal had to precede any blessing of leading anyone else in worship. It's now a ministry for me to share my passion for God through music and lead others into experiencing Him more deeply.

Thank you, Jesus, for renewing me, and patiently and lovingly guiding me to walk in Your steps. I give thanks, with a grateful heart.


Blogger Beth said...

Thanks for the visit! What a blessing it must be to have your girls home for Christmas.

Hannah is so great with our kids and is a tremendous blessing in our lives. Thanks for sharing her with us! : )

6:57 AM  

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