A Word on All That

Give thanks, with a grateful heart...give thanks to the Holy one.

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Location: Weed, California, United States

I'm 52 and just feel like I'm getting started. My wife and I have been happily married for almost 24 years. My job is providing technology integration services to local schools. That means I work on computers and teach teachers and students how to use technology in their teaching and learning, etc. God has been doing a new work in my life, and I'm excited to be following Him.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Distress & God's Response - A Look Into Psalm 77

This week as I was preparing to lead worship on Sunday, God kept bringing to mind how easy it is NOT to be open and honest with Him, especially when we're going through difficult times. My daughter, Claire, had just recently gone through a devastating experience that caused me to begin this reflection. Claire is a Resident Director at Teen Mania's Honor Academy in TX, and oversees the girls in her part of the dorm. Just two weeks ago, a young woman in her dorm, just 20 years old died in her sleep. The girls that shared the room with the young woman found her unconscious and came and got Claire. She had just had CPR training that focused on dealing with unconscious victims, and used those skills, but unfortunately, neither she nor the paramedics who came could revive her. Later, I learned the girl's parents had lost another daughter in a car accident, and the sister who rode with her survived, but had extensive injuries that have required multiple surgeries. I began to think about the emotional, spiritual journey they and all those who knew her have been on. In my own church, we have been touched by death and tragedy, and in particular, our associate pastor's and his wife, whose 32 year old son died accidentally last year. He has been honest about his journey, the ups and downs, and his feelings toward God. I appreciate that. So GOD brought me to Psalm 77 and I just felt I needed to share this during our worship time. Here is Psalm 77:1-15, and my commentary.

Psalm 77 For Jeduthun, the choir director: A psalm of Asaph.

1 I cry out to God; yes, I shout. Oh, that God would listen to me!
2 When I was in deep trouble, I searched for the Lord. All night long I prayed, with hands lifted toward heaven, but my soul was not comforted.
3 I think of God, and I moan, overwhelmed with longing for his help. Selah

4 You don’t let me sleep. I am too distressed even to pray!
5 I think of the good old days, long since ended,
6 when my nights were filled with joyful songs. I search my soul and ponder the difference now.
7 Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will he never again be kind to me?
8 Is his unfailing love gone forever? Have his promises permanently failed?
9 Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he slammed the door on his compassion?

10 And I said, “This is my fate; the Most High has turned his hand against me.”

Here is a man who is really trying to be honest. He says, "I have analyzed my situation: I tried prayer all night long. In the past I have been given help, but no help has come to me. God has made my heart to sing in the past, but it is empty, barren, and cheerless now. Why is this? I have thought about it: I searched my own life, my own heart, and these questions have come to me, and I cannot answer them." Suddenly, the psalmist is confronted with whether or not he can believe that God can be depended on, that He can be trusted. He's got his doubts. I love his honesty before God. Notice God doesn't strike him dead when he reveals his true thoughts and feelings to Him.

Suddenly, he has an epiphany of sorts...a revelation.

11 But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.
12 They are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works.
13 O God, your ways are holy. Is there any god as mighty as you?
14 You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.
15 By your strong arm, you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

Asaph is compelled to remember what God has done, and in particular, the mighty works He has done in Israel's past. He dwells on the acts of God, meditates on them CONSTANTLY, making them the center of His thoughts. He remembers the power with which God acted when He brought Israel out of their bondage in Egypt. He can come to no other conclusion than God is mighty, that His ways are Holy. I think Asaph recognizes and accepts what Pastor Matt Chandler said once, "God is god, and you aren't!" We often can't understand what we do through, or find meaning in it, but do we stay committed to follow Him and not turn back. Asaph is humbled as he recognizes his position before God. He is just a man, and God is God. That is comforting to him. In a sense, the Psalmist is saying, "Okay, what are you waiting for? Suppressing those feelings and thoughts aren 't doing you any good. Dwelling on what's happening isn't working...I can't solve it." So decides to lay it all out openly before God. God's greatness can handle our honesty. I'm convinced that God is not causing my distress, but that he to use my circumstances to test and grow my trust in Him." But the question is, did God relieve Asaph's distress immediately, and how about for us?

There are times we can characterize as dark nights of the soul, where we feel the disconnect from God, angry at God, disillusioned, lonely, depressed, and nothing immediately resolves that.
I think in the process, Asaph continues to cry out to God...some days feeling comfort and relief, and perhaps, on other days, feeling anger or depression. But He keeps coming back to this, "What do we have left, but to remember the goodness of God in our lives, and ask for the outpouring of God's love and compassion in our hearts?" Day by day, we must CLING to God, ask Him to wrap us in His arms and take us to the place where we experience restoration. The broken parts of our lives are not mended overnight. Israel lived in bondage for over 200 years in Egypt before God freed them. We will see the light of day again in our hearts eventually, even if we can see it or feel it now. Maybe that doesn't sound appealing to you, that you may not find all the relief you want or need immediately. But God can give you the peace of mind that He is acting on Your behalf and you will find deliverance and restoration. The PROCESS of restoration is taking place as we wait on God, CLING to Him, and decide in our hearts, "I WILL TRUST YOU!" and let Him work in our lives. He will make His great Name known and change others, as well as us.

"God, I will choose to REMEMBER your good ways, your promises.
I will put my trust in You and wait for You to work in my life. Help me to have the courage to keep trusting in You, because I KNOW you are FAITHFUL and TRUE, and I know that I will find strength to endure as I wait upon You. I remember the life You lived...a man of sorrows. You know my pain, Jesus, and I know You understand. I also know, Jesus, that You cried out to the Father, and I remember Your words, 'Not my will, but Yours.' I reach out to You, loving, merciful Savior - gracious and kind You are."

"And now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks, with a grateful heart."


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